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Should Sweaters Be Hung or Folded?

Por JeansGingtto 27 Aug 2024

Sweaters are a staple in many wardrobes, providing warmth and style in the colder months.

But when it comes to storing them, the question arises: should sweaters be hung or folded?

Sweaters Be Hung

Why Proper Sweater Storage Matters

Sweaters are typically made from delicate materials like wool, cashmere, or cotton, which can stretch, snag, or lose their shape if not stored correctly.

Proper storage helps maintain the integrity of the fabric, prevents wrinkles, and extends the lifespan of your sweaters.

The Case for Folding Sweaters

Reduces Stretching

One of the primary benefits of folding sweaters is that it helps prevent stretching.

Hanging sweaters on hangers can cause them to stretch out over time, especially if they are made of heavier materials like wool.

When a sweater is hung, the weight of the fabric can pull on the shoulders and create unwanted distortion.

Saves Space

Folding sweaters can also save space in your closet.

By stacking sweaters on shelves or in drawers, you can maximize vertical space and keep your closet organized.

This method is particularly useful if you have limited hanging space or if your sweaters are bulkier.

Prevents Damage to Hangers

Certain fabrics, such as knit or cashmere, can be delicate and prone to snagging.

Folding sweaters eliminates the risk of hanger marks or damage from hangers with rough or sharp edges.

This helps maintain the overall appearance and quality of your sweaters.

The Case for Hanging Sweaters

Easier Access

Hanging sweaters can make them more accessible and easier to see.

If you prefer to organize your wardrobe by category and need quick access to your sweaters, hanging them may be the more practical option.

This method allows you to quickly browse through your collection and select the sweater you want to wear.

Maintains Shape

For sweaters that are particularly prone to wrinkling, hanging can help maintain their shape.

By using padded or wide hangers, you can prevent creases and ensure that your sweaters look neat and ready to wear.

This is especially important for sweaters made of materials like wool or cashmere, which can develop unsightly creases if not properly stored.

Ideal for Certain Styles

Some sweater styles, such as cardigans or those with intricate details, may benefit from being hung.

Hanging these types of sweaters allows them to keep their shape and prevents the details from getting crushed or misshapen.

Additionally, hanging can be a good option for sweaters that are worn less frequently but need to remain in pristine condition.

Best Practices for Folding Sweaters

If you choose to fold your sweaters, follow these best practices to maintain their shape and longevity:

1. Lay Flat

Start by laying your sweater flat on a clean surface. Smooth out any wrinkles or creases.

2. Fold in the Sleeves

Fold the sleeves inward so that they are parallel to the sides of the sweater. This prevents the sleeves from getting misshaped or creased.

3. Fold in Thirds

Fold the sweater in thirds from the bottom up. This will create a neat stack that fits well in drawers or on shelves.

4. Store in a Cool, Dry Place

Make sure to store your folded sweaters in a cool, dry place. Avoid areas with high humidity, which can lead to mold or mildew growth.

Learn More: How to Store Sweaters in Summer?

Best Practices for Hanging Sweaters

If you prefer to hang your sweaters, follow these guidelines to avoid any potential issues:

1. Use Padded Hangers

Choose padded or wide hangers to support the weight of the sweater evenly and prevent stretching.

2. Avoid Wire Hangers

Wire hangers can cause unsightly creases and stretch the fabric. Opt for padded or wooden hangers instead.

3. Hang in a Well-Ventilated Area

Ensure the area where you hang your sweaters is well-ventilated to prevent moisture build-up and potential mildew growth.

4. Button or Zip Up

If your sweater has buttons or zippers, make sure they are fastened before hanging. This helps the sweater retain its shape and prevents distortions.


Deciding whether to hang or fold your sweaters ultimately comes down to your personal preference and storage space.

Hanging is ideal for visibility and reducing creases, while folding helps maintain the shape and is space-efficient.

Consider the type of sweaters you own, your closet space, and how often you access your sweaters when making your decision.

With the right approach, you can keep your sweaters looking great and ready to wear.

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